donderdag 10 november 2016

Where did the good go?

(where does the good go)

Lately, I am confronted with the simple fact, that I am different.  Not in a bad way, but still different. And people fear different, almost naturally. People avoiding me simply because they are not used to someone like me, and I endanger their small safe walled in world.
And it sucks.

Where have the good people gone? Why are their only opportunists, only people that exploit, lie, or just ignore others? Where is this world I wanted to make? Where are the dedicated individuals who want to strive for their ideals? Even if it were only poor ideals. Where is the truth? Why isn't it valued, hell, why are comforting lies preferred?

And I don't say "I don't want to live on this planet anymore", I say "this is not what I want my planet to be like" this is not what I want from humanity.

I am the guy, that replies to: "I think this corporation is going in the right direction, maybe I should change" with: "no, you don't change. You make the company change!" And so I did, and I succeeded.

But how do you change humanity and society? As it doesn't want to change, it just solipsists onwards. I cannot do this alone, and I am tired of being the only one with the will, dedication and energy to really make a difference in people's lives.

And I'm not asking, who is with me, or who will help me. Because I know the answer. You won't, or you can't. Pessimists have it good, they don't get to be realists. Realists, now there is a group of people ready to give up.

Sleep tight, and fucking do something with your life.

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