donderdag 26 juli 2012

Sometimes It is just 'Magic'

(Movie star - Uncensored)

Today I learned an important lesson. It is a lesson which as a die hard scientist was very very hard to accept. But concerning my bad day my reaction was, slightly manly, and enormously over the top. I apologize to the little wall I smashed to bits, but it did relieve some of the pressure building up inside of me.

It is really all about socks. Socks are probably the most simple and profound way to explain this. Sometimes, somehow and for an inexplicable reason, socks magically disappear. It doesn't matter how much time you spend logically retracing your last few steps where it has gone wrong, or where you might have put it. Neither does it matter how thorough you turn your room about, organize your things or look in every little corner. They are just gone.

And so it is with a lot of things, some things in life are beyond your control. Even the inanimate objects that seemingly are completely in our control, sometimes tend to live up some magic. And so it is with everything really, especially people. You cannot control women, kids, men or ex'es. Nor pets or any other thing actually. You only have the illusion of control. And as long as you can make the other part believe that same illusion you'll be fine. Just so you remember it is an illusion.

So, what now? Well I lost a set of 30 assorted needles. I looked for 2 hours, losing my temper on several occasion. Then I bought a new set within 15 minutes at the cost of 1,80 euro's. And I have now glued it to the side of my closet. The moral is simple, sometimes stop trying to solve or retrieve the old. starting anew is simple. Always. And when you start anew you start better. 

Sometimes let things be miracles.

1 opmerking:

  1. Or if you keeps losing one from the pair you could start wearing odd socks like Gary Lightbody. You still have your money, your mind and you gain a little bit of an adorable quirk. ;)
