maandag 23 juli 2012


(Faithless - Insomnia)

It is half past three in the morning. And still I can't get no sleep. I have to wake up in a few hours but nothing I try can get me sleep. The cities elsewhere are still or already awake. My town hides in cold silence. My mind unable to flush its cravings. And I set of to brush my teeth, again.

They say flower children will one day rule the world, as the rest of it falls down into despair. Yet, I think alike these flower children, but lost my infancy and roam the streets armed to the teeth, and carrying the arguments I myself can imagine. The night is where I pick my flowers. Where I spread the seeds of my thoughts. The world isn't awake in their minds, why would they need to fake it when awake?

The night has more honesty to it, less people, those that are drunk showing who they really are. The world a bit more silent to the sounds of nature. No traffic of people pondering in their minds what scheme's or lies they have to make the next few hours. No lovers waking up from mistakes, and falls love as the dreams of people show us who we are and what we once wanted. But never what we need or want now. 

The night provides a simple answer; We only want more. It is never enough what we have, and who we have it with. Because we are never enough, because we are scared shit to think of what to do once we do see ourselves as enough. The goals we set ourselves to do are just a blur of the things and people that we actually need. Simply because we don't take the time to let our being be enough.

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